A downloadable game for Windows and Android

"Welcome to the simulation" is a VR shooter where the player kills and take control of the enemies souls to beat the simulation. Taking control of different souls grants the player different guns to use and kill the enemies with.

The player is timed and rated on their performance in the simulation. 3 ratings are availble for the player to obtain. 

- Gold for the best of the best that can complete the simulation fast, kill every enemy and lose no lives. 

- Silver, for those who are quick enough but don't have to kill every enemy. 

- Bronze the paticipation award for finishing the simulation.

This game was made for the "VR Jam 2022"


WelcomeToTheSimulation - PC Build 181 MB
WelcomeToTheSimulation - Quest Build 111 MB
WelcomeToTheSimulation - IndexFix 181 MB

Install instructions

PC Setup:

Step 1: Download Zip File

Step 2: Extract Zip File

Step 3: Launch "Welcome to the Simulation.exe" (Make sure SteamVR is running)

Quest Setup(WARNING!: Recommend pc build if possible, performance isn't great)

Step 1: Download APK file

Step 2: Use "Side Quest" to transfer the apk file to your headset

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